who am I?

I'm a twenty something year old woman named Natasha. I'm a lesbian, but I am not very good at it.

I like a lot of things. I like creation. Drawing, painting, sewing, photography, writing, HTML, and the most godawful Garageband music. I am currently making my way through community college at a glacial pace to give the illusion that I haven't entirely given up on life. I don't really know what I want to do after that.

This site is just a hobby for me, and I don't really care about making it mobile accessible or anything. I treat it more like an art project than anything. I also have some weird identity issues, and documenting myself makes me feel kind of real.

Below are some of my likes and dislikes. Good conversations starters, or perhaps fuel for your hatred.



Lana Del Rey, Father John Misty, Gorillaz, Mother Mother, Lady Gaga, Kesha, Marina, Orville Peck, Panchiko, t.a.T.u, Avril Lavigne,


Taxi Driver (1976), Fargo (1996), Silence of the Lambs (1991), Red Dragon (2002), Fight Club (1999), Natural Born Killers (1994), Cruising (1980), Bound (1996), Reservoir Dogs (1991), Heathers (1989), Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), Mean Streets (1973), Midnight Cowboy (1969), Carrie (1976) (Yes I am aware that many of these movies are considered "red flag" movies I am in fact a freak.)


Silence of the Lambs and Red Dragon (again), The entirety of the Twilight Saga, Catcher in the Rye, Crime and Punishment, Gone Girl, Also generally non-fiction stuff about sociology/history.


Venture Bros, Metalocalypse, Inside Job, American Dad, Fargo, Hannibal, The Sopranos, Riverdale, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul,It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Law and Order SVU, Oz

Video Games

Fallout 4, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 76 (any pc players that want to play with me, hit me up!),Fallout 3, Oblivion, Skyrim, The Sims 2,The Sims 3, Grand Theft Auto IV

Other things

Women (Especially the lesbians), Tarot card reading, Lost media, Owning my own media (as opposed to streaming), thrifting, and history/social studies.


Beauty Standards

the plastic surgery industry, the makeup industry, filters that edit a person's facial structure, the expectation for girls to shave. The pushing of beauty as a goal to girls just as a whole. Treating self esteem and body image issues with "don't worry, you're sexy!" as opposed to "your value is not dictated by your appearance."

Fiat Currency

"haha what if money meant nothing and we just printed more of it?" Terrible idea. Now we have inflation. If we stuck with the gold standard, then we wouldn't have that issue because gold is a finite and tangible resource.

Modern Social Media

It just sucks. It's too much. It's weird that people are no longer concerned with privacy. Dating apps suck too. I like Neocities cause I can do whatever I want and it's fine cause almost no one is going to look at this page. I like Tumblr, too, but it's been going downhill. The Live stuff is so stupid. EDIT: Big win for tumblrinas! Live has been eradicated!


Since going vegetarian I've started becoming repulsed by meat. I have weird dreams where I'm in a room made of meat. Like the walls and floors and stuff are fleshy. I call it the Meat Room for obvious reasons. I'm prone to lucid dreaming so I'll find myself in there and just be like "aw Man I'm in the meat room again."

Like I dislike factory farming and stuff but meat is also just like gross looking to me and the whole concept is weird if you think about it. Like girl that's Flesh.

Echo Chambers

You don't need to agree with your friends on everything 100% of the time. These sorts of friendships are shallow.

goodbye horses x taxi driver